Welcome back to the blog and another edition of “Recently Read”! If you are not familiar with this series, every so often I share a handful of books that I have been reading along with my honest thoughts and recommendations. Today marks the 10th edition and I couldn’t be more excited! Instead of my usual stack of completed books, I wanted to take the opportunity today to highlight just one very special book that is fully deserving of its own post.

This book, entitled Timmy’s Wish: Lessons From Heaven is the first book written by my father, Richard Kirk. Becoming a published author has been a dream of his for many years and this is such an exciting accomplishment!
Timmy’s Wish
Everyone has experiences in their lives that they choose to keep private. It is never easy to open up and be vulnerable, especially in a public way with an audience whom you’ve likely never met. This book chronicles one of those deeply personal experiences for my dad. It took an immense amount of courage and strength to revisit one of the most challenging and impactful times in his life and I couldn’t be more proud of him for doing so. It is clear that this book was not easy to write.
This memoir is an incredibly powerful true story written from my dad’s perspective about the life of his younger brother, Timothy, who passed away from a brain tumor at just 12 years old. Prior to his diagnosis, Timmy writes an interesting response to a school writing assignment called “My Wish” that expresses his profound faith and desire for a higher purpose in life at a very young age. This Wish will guide my father and his family through some of the most difficult years of their lives and continues to be influential to this day. In addition to sharing these memories, there are a variety of resources included to assist individuals and families facing similar challenges or for those who would like to learn more about supporting those afflicted by cancer and grief.
If this resonates with you in some way or could help someone you know, I would encourage you to consider reading or sharing with a friend. Your support of this publication means so much more than you know!
Timmy’s Wish is currently available for online purchase through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Outskirts Press, and will soon be sold in bookstores!
Thank you so much for reading!