Sleep is extremely important! We all know this by now, but sometimes good sleep can be hard to come by. This is especially true for busy students with packed schedules where sleep is often the last thing on our minds. As someone who has always had trouble falling asleep, I really started to prioritize it after going to college. When I learned more about the inner workings of the brain and nervous system, I realized that my sleep impacts everything I do: my stress levels, my ability to focus in class, even the quality of my workouts! After a lot of trial and error, I have finally found some methods that have been working well for me. This post will show you how to get to sleep “The SK Way”!
Getting a good night’s sleep starts during the day. One thing I have found to be helpful is exercising. Whether you like to run, walk, go for bike rides, do yoga, barre, or lift weights, moving throughout the day allows your brain to release endorphins that reduce stress and allow you to feel more relaxed. You don’t have to go outside and run a marathon if that’s not your thing, but try to get some fresh air and move around for at least thirty minutes a day. By the time you go to bed, I guarantee you’ll feel more tired and ready to sleep.
Another important aspect of sleep is screen time. There is a ton of Neuroscience research out there now about how harmful blue light is to our eyes, especially at night. I could go into a whole separate post about this, but to keep it short and simple, when we absorb blue light we trick our brains into thinking it is daytime. This explains why it’s so hard to fall asleep when you watch “just one more episode” on Netflix! Especially now since we are all glued to our computers for work or school, it is important to limit our amount of blue light exposure. Personally, I have really been enjoying wearing these blue light glasses from EyeBuyDirect. I have the “Hepburn” style in a tortoiseshell print. I have noticed a huge difference since getting these for Christmas! The computer display is not as harsh on my eyes, and I definitely believe this has contributed to getting better sleep.

When it finally comes time to get ready for bed, there are a few things that I swear by! During this quarantine time, my go-to candle to burn at night has been this Lavender & Bergamot scented one from Target. These two scents are proven to bind to the GABA receptor in the brain, which releases inhibitory neurotransmitters that help you relax. I should think about getting a new one soon because it is almost gone!

Since candles are not allowed in dorm rooms, I love using my essential oil diffuser while I am at school. I’ve had mine since my freshman year and I have no idea what I would do without it! I usually put a few drops of lavender oil in before getting ready for bed. Not to mention, it makes your room smell great too!
My next go-to item is the Black Chamomile lotion and pillow mist from Bath & Body Works (pictured above). Over the past couple of months these products have really helped me relax at night. They also smell like the aromatherapy you would get at a spa, so it is one of my favorite ways to treat myself after a long day!
Finally, when I turn off the lights, I immediately reach for a Sleep Story on the Calm app. I mentioned this in my last post, but these have saved me from sleepless nights countless times! The soothing voices of the narrators allow you to place yourself into the story, leaving you drifting off in no time! This app has a free version, but most of the sleep stories are available under a premium membership. I usually don’t like to spend money on these types of things, but I guarantee that it is 100% worth it! If you’d like to try it out before making a purchase, let me know and I can send you a 30-day free trial!

I hope this post gave you some ideas if you have been struggling to fall asleep! Let me know if you try any of these tips or if you would like to see additional posts about sleep in the future. Sweet Dreams!

[…] final tip is to eat healthy and try to get a decent amount of sleep. This does wonders for your stress levels and keeps you feeling your best! When I exercise, eat […]