Welcome back to the blog! I have been home from our road trip for a couple of days now and I am soooo excited to be back in a routine….
Recently Read || vol. 7
I have been prioritizing reading so much more lately and I couldn’t be happier! For a while there, I felt like some of the books I read took me a…
A Coastal Grandmother Summer
Welcome back to the blog! It feels as though these last few weeks were a complete whirlwind! I hadn’t realized how much time has passed since I published a post…
2023 Mother’s Day Gift Guide
Happy Wednesday, friends! With Mother’s Day a little bit less than two weeks away, I thought I would share a little gift guide! If you’re in need of a last…
Go-To Golf Outfits
In honor of the warmer weather (and the Master’s this past weekend) I wanted to share a golf-themed post for this week! Now that the nicer weather is a bit…
Papier Planner Preview
Happy Wednesday, friends! Welcome back to the blog. For this week’s post, I am sharing an overview of my Papier planner for 2023! If you know me, then you know…