They say that college flies by in the blink of an eye. I thought high school went fast, but college definitely went faster! One minute you’re a senior in high school scouring Pinterest for the perfect dorm room decor. Next thing you know, you are walking across the stage to receive your diploma just four short years later! As a freshman in college, I used to think that the seniors were so much older than me – “real adults” as I liked to call them! It is crazy to think that I am now one of those people!
On Monday, I graduated from Muhlenberg College with a B.S. in Neuroscience and a minor in Economics. My campus is located in Allentown, Pennsylvania – about two hours away from where I live in New Jersey. We woke up early that morning and drove out to Allentown for the ceremony where my family met up with my boyfriend who was so kind to drive all the way up from his military base in North Carolina to join us. After the ceremony, we met up with my three closest friends to take some pictures on campus before heading out to lunch and driving back to New Jersey. It was such a fun day! I am so thankful for the last four years and all of the people and memories my college experience brought me! If there is one thing that I have learned throughout these last few years it’s to enjoy the little things. Make the most out of every opportunity because time sure does move fast!
As of now, I am finishing up some pre-requisite classes to eventually apply to PA school! During my four years of undergrad, I was on the Pre-Med track, but PA School has a couple of slightly different requirements. I am currently taking Anatomy through my local community college and will finish up with Microbiology in the fall. In the meantime, I will be relaxing and enjoying this next part of my life while working at an Internal Medicine practice. Of course, I will still be blogging and I look forward to taking you along with me every step of the way!

Shop my Graduation Day look here:
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