Figuring out how to study in college is a struggle for a lot of students. In high school, you usually have a sure-fire way to get the “A” using roughly the same strategies for all of your classes. However, in college, the studying process is entirely different and even varies class to class! Whether you’re a freshman, a senior, or anywhere in between, it is never too late to develop new habits (especially with summer classes starting soon)! In this post, I’ll introduce you to some tips and tricks to study efficiently and effectively “The SK Way”!

TIP #1 Study for Understanding: This is my number one piece of advice for college students. In my opinion, one of the biggest differences between high school and college academics is the way you are tested. In college, there is a greater emphasis on application. You have to know the material the way it was presented in class, but the professors will usually have you apply it to a novel situation to measure how well you understand the concept. Therefore, do not rely on memorization alone. Of course there will be things you just have to know such as the 20 essential amino acids, functional groups, Organic Chemistry mechanisms, etc. and for that I recommend creating flashcards! Other than that, make sure you are asking yourself why something happens the way it does as opposed to just how.

TIP #2 Hand Write Your Notes When Possible: There are various studies showing that retention of information is improved when you take notes by hand. The act of writing allows you to slow down and process what you are actually putting on the paper. My neuroscience professors prohibit technology in the classroom for this very reason! I find that I remember things better when I see it in my own handwriting so I think this is a very effective strategy!
TIP #3 Create Study Guides: Compiling notes from lectures and readings, examples, diagrams, and practice problems all in one document is a great way to ensure that you have reviewed all of the material for that exam. I usually create these as I go, so by the time the exam comes, I have already been studying and don’t have to try and cram it in all at once!

In addition to my science classes, I also have an Economics minor. The types of Econ classes vary as some of them are more conceptual, where others are more focused on math and calculations. Again, I have found that understanding how to apply the concepts, doing practice problems, and using apps like Quizlet for vocab terms is a great method for this subject area! Since I have only taken a handful of these types of courses, my friend Caroline provided some tips that helped her be successful as a Business Management major. Here’s what she had to say:
- “Read & Research: the more you read business journals and articles the easier it is to learn and understand the business lingo (it will also impress your teachers when you are up-to-date on the latest news and policies)”
- “Meet with your professors before exams: go over concepts you don’t understand and take notes on the the things they emphasize in class”
- This is great tip regardless of your major!
- “Make sure you understand the concepts and not just the terminology. It’s good if you can define inflation, but can you explain how that affects the economy on a local and global scale?”
Thank you for reading if you have made it this far 🙂 As a disclaimer, everyone is different so what works for me may not necessarily work for you and vice-versa but trying something new may surprise you!
Have a great rest of your day!