Updated as of 2/7/21
Happy Wednesday and welcome back to The SK Way! I am so excited to be writing another blog post! It is the second week of classes for me (can you believe that it is already September?!) so writing and planning more content for you all has been a great way to relax and decompress after a busy day 🙂 . In today’s post, I will be sharing my everyday skincare and makeup routine. I recently switched out some products and I am so excited to share them with you today!

Morning Skincare:

I typically start by washing my face with the Origins Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash. This is a great gentle cleanser formulated for all skin types! I have normal-to-dry skin and absolutely love this! I will sometimes use the Ginzing Refreshing Scrub Cleanser, usually about 3 times per week. This is a gentle exfoliator that is not too abrasive and smells amazing! The entire ginzing line has a light citrus smell that is so rejuvenating – it’s perfect for those early mornings when you need to wake yourself up a little bit!
After washing my face, I always use the Thayer’s Witch Hazel Toner with Cucumber. This product goes the extra mile to ensure that my pores are clear and makes my skin feel extra clean. After that, I follow up with the Origins Ginzing Into the Glow Brightening Serum. This product smooths out your skin, reduces the look of pores, and adds some radiance back into your complexion. I love this product and could not imagine my skincare routine without it! This is definitely the pricier of all of the Origins products but believe me when I say that the $44 is definitely worth every penny!
After working the serum into my face with a jade roller, I use the Origins Ginzing Ultra-Hydrating Energy Boosting Cream. This lotion comes in a couple of different formulas – I chose the Ultra-Hydrating kind because my skin is on the drier side, but they also carry an glow-boosting and oil-free version as well depending on your preferences and skin type. Before I apply my makeup, I will use the Origins Ginzing Refreshing Eye Cream which helps to brighten and de-puff. My eye area can be a bit sensitive to eye creams but I’ve been using this every day since I purchased it and I have not experienced any irritation – it is very gentle!
Evening Skincare:

At night, I will use a makeup wipe to remove any makeup on my face, and some micellar water to take off my eye makeup. The Simple brand is my favorite for both products! I then repeat the same skincare routine from the morning minus the serum. Once a week I will use my Origins Clear Improvement Charcoal Mask – this is a great reset at the end of the long week and makes my skin feel extra clean and refreshed. I then follow up with the Origins Clear Improvement Moisturizer. This moisturizer contains salicylic acid, so I try to use this sparingly only once or twice per week. If you don’t have dry skin you could probably use it more frequently but I try to use it sparingly!
If I have a breakout or feel one coming on, I will apply a little bit of the Origins Super Spot Remover Acne Treatment Gel. This product is very concentrated so be sure to only place it over the breakout itself. This is by far the best spot treatment I have used and works so well! You can seriously see the results overnight!
I hope you enjoyed reading some of my new favorite products! In a little over a week, I have already seen so much improvement in the texture and look of my skin. My pores no longer feel clogged and my face feels so much cleaner after I wash it. I no longer feel like my skin is dry and dull all thanks to Origins! I could not recommend this brand enough – there are so many different products that fit everyone’s skincare needs. A little bit goes a long way with these products so I know that they will last me a long time. If you have any questions about any of the products I shared or would like me to go into more detail, feel free to message me on Instagram! I always love hearing from you!
Thank you so much for reading!