I have been prioritizing reading so much more lately and I couldn’t be happier! For a while there, I felt like some of the books I read took me a while to get through or just didn’t grab my attention right away. The last few books I have read have flown by and I am so excited to work through the rest of my reading list! I have 4 books to share with you today that I am so excited about – I hope you enjoy!

- A Molecule Away From Madness: I found this book in the “bookshelf” section of the Wall Street Journal. This book immediately piqued my interest as my bachelor’s degree is in Neuroscience, but I appreciated that the book is not too technical and written for the general public. Through various patient stories across history, Sara Peskin explains how these once neurological mysteries taught us about the brain and informed the presentations of conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and more. I thought this book was very interesting and ended up being a relatively quick read.
- Rivals: This is the third book in the American Royals series. I absolutely loved the first two and knew I needed to pick up the third. Like the second book, the plot picked up right where we left off! This one definitely had more action/drama which made the last half fly by! I always like to alternate my fiction and nonfiction reading so this was a great choice! If you haven’t read the American Royals series yet, I would absolutely recommend! My reviews of the first two books can be found in other “recently read” posts, and I cannot wait for book four to be released in August!
- Every Patient Tells A Story: I initially read the book Diagnosis by Dr. Sanders (based off of the newspaper column and Netflix docuseries) and was so excited to see she had written another one! Dr. Lisa Sanders is an internal medicine physician affiliated with Yale New Haven Medical Center. In this book, she shares how doctors know what they know and the steps they take when making a diagnosis. She focused on the importance of the patient’s story when they present to the office, the crucial nature of the physical exam, and the rise of technology in the healthcare industry and how it can help (and also hinder) both the patient and provider alike. As someone who will one day hold diagnostic responsibilities as a PA, this topic has always interested me. Many books with a medical-related focus have a tendency to be redundant, but I learned so much from this one! If you work in healthcare or are interested in doing so, definitely check this one out!
- The Summer I Turned Pretty: I had been hearing so many great things about this series (and the show!) so before I watched, I wanted to make sure I read the books! My Barnes & Noble only had the trilogy box set in stock and I am so glad I decided to purchase it! I read the first book in about 3 days and I absolutely loved it! I normally don’t reach for romance books, but I think the storyline is so cute! It is definitely a great choice for a light beach read this summer. I am currently reading book two and will be sure to share my thoughts when I am done!
Thank you so much for reading!