Happy Wednesday, friends! For this week’s post, I wanted to share some of the workout gear I’ve been loving lately! When it comes to clothes, I’ve been trying to focus on investing in just a few staple pieces that are functional, practical, and will last for years to come. Whether I’m running, riding our MYX bike, doing a strength workout, or going on a coffee run (that counts, right? haha!) these pieces have changed the game! By no means do you have to spend a lot of money on workout clothes, but I’m all about return on investment. Before buying anything, I always like to make sure I consider how much I’ll use/wear it, if I already have something similar, etc. in relation to the price- it is all personal preference! If you’re looking to add some new workout clothes to your collection or are just interested to see some of my go-to pieces, I hope you find this post helpful!

Thank you so much for reading!